Manual Adjustments

Manual Adjustments in Gympie

Patient Receiving Manual Back Adjustment  — Manual Adjustments
Reflexology Back Treatment — Manual Adjustments

Chiropractic Care

Are you in pain, discomfort or experiencing a limited range of motion? At Wide Bay Chiropractic – Damian Mamet we take the time to listen to our patients’ concerns and physical complaints and can manipulate or adjust spinal joints that are out of alignment or not moving properly.

Our adjustments include:

  • Chiropractic manipulation
  • Manual manipulation 
  • Spinal manipulation

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

An adjustment is a gentle specific force on a vertebra or a joint that is fixated, locked up, or not moving properly—to restore normal joint mobility. Chiropractors can adjust using their hands or mechanical instruments such as an Activator that delivers a brief and highly accurate thrust. 

Our Principal Chiropractor, Damian Mamet, is highly skilled in the delivery of a variety of adjusting methods. He has more than almost three decades’ experience and has been seeing many clients throughout Gympie and Cooloola for more than 25 years!

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Suitable For All Ages

The goal of manual adjustments and other Chiropractic treatments is to maintain spinal joint mobility. 

Other goals include:

  • Increase range of motion
  • Reduce nerve irritability 
  • Improve function

Chiropractic Care For Children

From the birth process, learning to walk and leading an “active” lifestyle, it is possible that children or teenagers may have spinal issues. Regular Chiropractic check-ups can help to identify these problems and allow patients to take steps to avoid health complaints in adult life. 

The adjusting procedures are modified to a child’s spine, especially babies.

Dorsal Manipulation — Manual Adjustments
Chiropractors Doing Spinal Adjustment on Senior Man — Manual Adjustments

Chiropractic Care For Elderly 

More and more people are turning to Chiropractic care, especially in their later years. Improving spinal mobility can reduce the aches and pains associated with ageing. The techniques used are modified to suit the needs of each individual patient.

Contact Wide Bay Chiropractic - Damian Mamet today to book an appointment.

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Manual Adjustments

Looking for an experienced Gympie Chiropractor to attend to your back pain, hip pain, neck pain or other troubled areas? Get in touch with Wide Bay Chiropractic - Damian Mamet today. Our Principal Chiropractor, Damian, has almost three decades of experience treating people of all ages, offering a variety of Chiropractic treatments, techniques and methods.

We provide a holistic approach to ensure your health is in great hands. We’ll undertake a thorough examination and can refer you out for X-rays if required. We can assess your needs and carry out Manual Adjustments accordingly.

Joint cavitation or cracking does not always occur and is not necessarily an indication of whether an adjustment is successful. 

Find out more today!

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Chiropractic Arm Adjustment — Manual Adjustments
Chiropractic Manipulation — Manual Adjustments

Servicing Locals for 27 Years!

Our Principal Chiropractor, Damian Mamet, is a family-focused health care practitioner who has decades of experience and expertise. Damian studied at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and joined the business in 1992. He purchased the business in 1994 and has been proudly servicing locals from Gympie, Cooloola and surrounding areas ever since. We have regular patients who have been visiting us for 25 years! 

We’ll work with you to find out about your concerns and areas causing you distress. We’ll assess the specific areas and present a personalised program of care customised to suit your needs.

Your health is our top priority. We’re here to exceed your expectations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Chiropractic Subluxation?

    A subluxation is a lack of normal movement in any joint. Chiropractors focus primarily on the joints of the spine and pelvis to reduce the amount of neurological interference that accompanies a lack of normal movement. A lack of movement over years leads to degeneration of the joints and body as a whole. Chiropractic care is based on the premise that the human body is designed to self-regulate and self-heal when there is no interference. Our aim is to reduce or eliminate this interference.

  • How does a subluxation affect the body?

    According to the research by Dr James Chestnut, when a joint is moving normally, the nervous system functions without interference and the body functions optimally. When a joint is not moving correctly, a process occurs that leads to an increase in the stress hormones. This has a breakdown effect on the body including detrimental effects in thinking, learning, immune function, muscle function and organ function. Conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, depression, obesity and diabetes are known to be the result of or linked to increased levels of stress hormones. For more detailed information, talk to Dr Damian about nociception vs proprioception.

  • What is the cause of a Chiropractic subluxation?

    There are three possible causes: Physical stress, Nutritional stress and Emotional stress. Usually, it is a combination of all three. Physical stress includes: birth injuries, falls and accidents, sports injuries, chronic bad posture, chronic sedentary lifestyle and overuse injuries. 

    Nutritional stress includes: food additives, environmental toxins, lack of proper nutrients and lack of water. High levels of sugar and omega 6 fatty acids play a big role in this category. 

    Emotional stress such as anger, depression, anxiety, fear, a lack of love, feelings of worthlessness and more can lead to powerful physiological changes to the body.

  • How do we correct the subluxation?

    The correction is known as an “adjustment”. The adjustment is either a manual adjustment where the Chiropractor will give a short, quick thrust onto the subluxated area with their hands, or it is carried out using an Activator Instrument or Impulse Machine. We also use biomechanical wedges or blocks to correct pelvic distortion patterns. These low force techniques are very effective in restoring normal joint function.

    We also help you recognise the bad habits that are causing the subluxation. Just as bad habits add together, conversely good habits add together! By making simple adjustments to your food intake, level of activity and mental spark, you can take control of your health and add certainty to your life. For example, a sedentary lifestyle has an enormous negative impact on your life. For every hour you sit to watch TV, you lose 22 minutes of your lifespan (source: Dr Peter Garbutt NDF 2013).

    Lastly, we look at what exercises you can use to improve your posture and overall cardio fitness and strength. This helps to maintain normal joint function throughout the entire body. It’s as easy as a 30-minute walk a day! Ask for a brochure on the benefits of a 30-minute walk. You’ll be surprised just how profound and effective this simple act is.

Elderly Woman Sitting With Nurse — Manual Adjustments
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